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Hello everyone, today's post is going to be based around confidence and how to feel confident in yourself. I struggle with confidence myself and I know that some of you out there do as well.

I think it's really important that yourself, other people around you or people you know are confident in themselves as it makes them, them. It expresses who they are and it sends a positive vibe out to the people around them

I know I want to be in a relationship, but I fear that if I get into one I’d do something to mess it up.

I knew I wanted to perform a main role in a school performance, but I feared that I would forget my lines and make the show a disaster.

I knew I wanted to start a YouTube channel ( I still do), but I wasn't confident enough to do it as I might get bullied for it.

Maybe you've never been as unsure of yourself as I used to be, but you may be able to relate to the feeling of wanting to do something but feeling terrified to start.

This not only limits your potential in life; it also minimizes your ability to make a positive impact on the world around you.

There's one thing that I hear a lot from my friends and family, who know what I'm going through and I find this so true and something that everyone who struggles with anxiety or self confidence needs to hear.

"When you start feeling unsure of yourself remember: we were all born with confidence, and we can all get it back if we learn to silence the thoughts that threaten it."

Learning who you are doesn’t happen overnight. For one thing, it can be hard to know which parts of you are you, and which parts are who you think you should be. A good start is to identify your strengths and weaknesses and then weigh those against what you enjoy.

It’s amazing how easy it is to believe all the negative things people say and yet discredit the positive. Taking a compliment is an art. Sometimes, it’s instinctive to assume they’re just being nice or that maybe you aren’t really skilled—you just got lucky.

Occasionally, this may be true, but for the most part you earn the praise you receive. Don’t talk yourself out of believing it. Instead, recycle it into confidence. You did a fantastic job on your project at school/work; that means you can do it again. You had an amazing performance; that means you can trust you’re talented.

I really hope that you all can relate to this post and hopefully this has helped you to understand that its not a crime to be yourself and try something new, don't be afraid to try new make-up looks or a new hairstyle...yes those are simple examples but they are things that I have struggled with in the past and I have overcome the fear of overthinking about what people are going to say about it. BE YOURSELF, BE ADVENTUROUS!!!!

That is it for today's post but I really hope this helped some of you out there. (BTW are people even reading this, if you happen to be a reader then drop me an email and tell me what you think!)


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